domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011


1 comentario:

  1. OcasoMedia 305-396-2806

    “Excellent....Ocasomedia did a first rate job"
    Roger G. Charles (Col. USMC Ret.) Co-Author: Oklahoma City-What the Investigation Missed and Why it Still Matters

    "OCASOMEDIA stepped up to the plate and hit home runs. Bill McIntosh is an amazing radio publicist who bought into the concept of my book, “Diary of a Mall Santa,” and...helped me to sell my stories to tens of thousands of listeners. Within a blink of the eye, he had booked me on numerous radio shows for live interviews. He knows the producers and the popular radio personalities, and that helps. He works fast, efficiently and his PR fees are a fraction of what other public relations firms charge. The service provided by Ocasomedia Makes me want to write another book, and hire Bill to help me promote it. .... now I feel like I have a new friend for life.
    Stewart Scott, Author, Diary of a Mall Santa. Available as a Kindle book on Amazon.

    “I’ve used the publicist services of Bill McIntosh since mid 2008. Bill’s work took my first book, Alaska Happens, to a national level among the outdoors community. I will use his services for my next book and the one after that. He has proven time and again to be that rare combination of a big idea guy and meticulous in detail. His work as a publicist is tireless, as a consultant he is a cornucopia of ideas… The energizer bunny has nothing on Bill...Give Bill a try. It will be one of those experiences when you get more than you expected. I don’t think he sleeps!”
    Rick Rydell
    Non Fiction Wildlife Author, Alaskan talk show host

    ” …choosing Ocasomedia to represent my book “Eyewitness To Heaven” is one of my best decisions. By far, [it] … exceeded my expectations and the expectations of my publisher. Thanks to Ocasomedia I obtained a number of media interviews resulting in impressive book sales-one later resulted in an initial 50 book order
    AND numerous re-orders-totaling approximately 300 books. OCASOMEDIA'S services are inexpensive and effective. Ocasomedia gets results”.
    James Wilburn Chauncey, author of Eyewitness to Heaven

    “Bill McIntosh is an irrepressible and imaginative operator, second to none in those qualities. He ran our Latin-American office for some five years from a hell-hole in Colombia when I was CEO of International Media Ltd in the UK. If there is the remotest chance of clinching a deal or accessing a key decision-maker, I can imagine nobody more persistent, inventive or resourceful. As a man used to working in difficult and even dangerous conditions, there are few if any obstacles or handicaps which will deter him in a business mission… He was a man of some legend in our organisation…”
    Bill Bailey, Former Publisher International Sugar Journal- International Media Limited
